Another dated post!! The year end was hectic and crazy for us, having to rush for some cake orders and to prepare for year end trip.
This year is Esrene’s 3rd Christmas but little Rennice’s 1st Christmas.
As Esrene slowly grows up, she gets more exciting with the celebration, seeing Christmas decoration ups everywhere and big Christmas tree set up in our house 1 month ago. In order to make sure she know the real meaning of Christmas, her night time bible story reading for this month is “The birth of Jesus”. Even the teaching in Children church this month is about the birth of Jesus. So now when we ask her, what is Christmas, she will sing “happy you you…Jesus” (Esrene cannot pronounce “birthday” so she will say “you you” instead of “birthday”).
This year, I have the opportunity to bake some Christmas cookies with Esrene but I have to do most of the decoration as she ended up more interested to finish eating the cookies than decorate them!
Esrene in charge to put the star on top of the cookie tree
Esrene helped to pack the cookies in the zip bag. 2 cookies per bag for her friends.
I wrapped them up in the printed candle wrappers and let Esrene gave the cookies she made to her church friends. She was so happy distributing them! Maybe this is a good way of teaching her what is “giving” and to learn the “joy of giving”
We set up the Christmas at home since November. Both the girls are so amazed with the lighting on the tree. Pressies that we received from friends around were all placed under the tree. We told Esrene that she is not allow to open the present until we have our Christmas celebration at home. She was quite good, didn’t disturb the presents until the day we told her its time to open her pressies.
see how blessed they were overflow with the presents from everywhere from friends around including Esrene’s carer.
I did some cupcakes for Esrene to bring to her family care for her friends as well. She was so happy “distributing gifts” to friends around.
And she got the most valuable gift from her carer – the calendar made of her photo with her best friends!
These are our little Christmas celebration in Melbourne before heading to Malaysia. Will update more of our trips if we have time.