
The Book Depository

Round and round the garden…

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

For the past two weekend, the weather was so nice and sunny. So daddy mummy took the opportunity to take me out to the nearby park for a stroll. Two weekend ago, they walked me to the playground next road to our house.

I love swing. Don’t worry Yea Yea, Ma Ma and Ah Ma, I am securely buckled on the swing, no chance for me to fall off.

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Daddy mummy got me a trike. I love to be on my trike when mummy daddy brought me to the park with it or when mummy push me on the trike to collect letter at the post box.

 IMG_3764 IMG_3819 IMG_3823Did you see the maple leave on my hand? I love to hold the leave. They are so beautiful!

Me playing happily at the backyard of our house with the grass and leaves!!

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I am so amazed my the different colour and textures of the leaves!

Last weekend, we went to Ringwood Lake Park. I love outdoor, I love to run around on the field and play in the playground.



Mummy said I was acting like I really know how to play the big kid’s game – the bingo


                                        I love this rocker. When I shake it will rock!!!

                                           I’m walk walk walk walk in the light…   .


I love autumn because the leaves are so colourful and they make noises when I walk on them

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                       and not forget the family photos together before we left the parkIMG_4231

Daddy, can we stay longer? I don’t feel like going yet.

    IMG_4273 When I am at home, mummy will let me do “colouring”

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I am very good in colouring, I will colour everywhere, including the table, the chair, the floor board but not the paper!! :D

Notice my spiky hair? This is my look when I just wake up from my nap/ sleep.

IMG_3581I will also play with my car but I don’t know how to push with my own legs yet. Mummy has to push me all the time.

These are basically my weekend activities for the past few weeks.

Oh yeah, last week mummy make a new hair style for me – the samurai hair style!! Nice? 




JACT said...

Hey... Shanna's got the same car! She can push herself around with her legs, but not very fast. She prefers using it as a push cart... or putting her doll/bear on it and pushing them instead :)

Shirley said...

oh I ♥♥♥ your new samurai hairstyle! Such a cutie pie!! :D

Julia said...

The sceneries are so beautiful! Esrene is growing up prettier each day :)

JACT said...

uncle... Esrene really look sebijik like u lah in the photos :D